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Discussing Home Safety

Have you recently hired a nanny to work with your kids? Whether it’s all day long while you’re at work, or for the occasional date night out, you want to ensure that your kids are safe in your absence. Having a clear conversation about safety and what your expectations are is one of the most important things you can do once your nanny begins work. Here are some important tips to keep in mind.

Let her know how important safety rules are to you.

As a parent, your child’s safety is always at the forefront of your mind. As a nanny, this should be her primary concern, too. Talk to her clearly about the importance of safety in your home and let her know what plans you already have in place. Make sure she understands that you expect her to always follow safety protocol. It’s a great idea to have some expectations in place and talk to her about them on day one. Putting them into a written work agreement is an especially important step, too. This helps ensure that both you and her on the same page regarding all parts of her employment.

Show her what safety plans are already in place.

Once your nanny starts work, give her a detailed tour of your home. If you have a home alarm system, show her all the details of how it works. Go over any other safety devices that she might need to know how to operate. Show her where the first aid kits and fire extinguishers are and provide her with a list of phone numbers she can use in case of an emergency. Make sure she knows if there are any areas in your home that are off-limits to the kids, too.

Talk specifically about the kids.

Some children may have medical issues that need to be tended to. Explain medication dosage and write those details down so there is no confusion. If children have food allergies, make sure you inform her on what foods the kids can or cannot eat. Go over bedtime and naptime routines and clue her into any behavior that may pose a problem at some point.

Making sure that she has everything she needs to be successful and keep your kids and your home safe while you’re gone is important. And rest assured, a great nanny will love and care for your kids to the best of her ability. Our team at Household Staffing will work with you to find the perfect nanny match for your home. Contact us today to find the right placement.

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