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Why You Should Be a Nanny Housekeeper

If you are considering which job fits your personality, unique gifts, and skillset, there are lots of different options out there. The hard part is narrowing down which job will make you happy, but also pay the bills. For many people, being a nanny is something that is full of rewards.

Investing in the life of a child and working with a family that you grow to love are just two of the great things that can happen when choosing a career as a nanny. Nanny housekeeping jobs are similar, too! You not only get to be involved with a family, but you can also use your organizational and cleanliness skills to help out around the house. Here are some reasons why you should be a nanny housekeeper.

#1: People comment on your ability to keep a clean and organized home.

If you enjoy organizing, doing dishes, and keeping clean floors and windows, working as a nanny housekeeper could be a good fit. Working as a nanny comes with plenty of messes, including spills and other accidents that happen when there are kids in the house. Not to mention, there is plenty of organization that needs to happen once kids’ toys and books are scattered everywhere. If your home is organized and you like keeping it that way, why not bring that part of your life into the home you work at and help them clean and organize? Adding great housekeeping skills to your resume as a nanny can be very beneficial for families.

#2: You love kids and kids love you.

Working with kids isn’t for everyone, but if you can’t imagine your life doing anything except working alongside kids, then being a nanny could be a great job for you. Nannies are able to be with kids each day and help give them tools to grow up successfully and learn ways to interact in the world. Nannies work closely with parents to make sure the kids are being raised well and most importantly, loved well. If you love kids and the kids show that love in return, a career in nannying could be your call.

Your job as a nanny will likely come with different housekeeping duties, whether you plan for it or not. So, why not learn how to be both a nanny and a housekeeper, all at once? This can make you a valuable catch to a family that needs both services! Contact us today to learn more about what nanny housekeeper positions are available in your area.

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