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Types of Specialty Nannies

Working as a nanny with a family you love has many rewards. Providing personalized attention to the family’s children allows you to be a loving, nurturing, and trustworthy companion for the kids and over time, you will create a bond with the family that is unlike any other. In addition to the traditional nanny that provides general childcare services, there are “specialty” nannies that offer families that are looking for a caregiver that has a specific area of expertise. Here are several common types of specialty nannies.

Newborn Care Specialists:

These nannies have specific training in the area of newborn care and/or nursing. These nannies oftentimes offer 24-hour childcare service for families that have newborns. They are an invaluable resource for families that are adjusting to life with a newborn baby and are commonly used most during the first few weeks or months of the baby’s life. Some nannies specialize in sleep training, too, so they can help the family establish routines and systems that help regulate babies and toddlers with sleep patterns that are healthy.

Temporary Nannies:

Some nannies specialize in performing short term work for families. They can provide emergency care if your regular nanny is unavailable due to sickness or vacation and are also available for backup care. These assignments could be for only a few hours or they could be for weeks or month at a time.

Traveling Nannies:

Some nannies are available to travel with the family to provide care while they are out on vacation. If there is an extended stay planned either for work or pleasure, the nannies are available to travel with the family to provide care during this time.

Educator Nannies:

Also known as a governess, this type of nanny is educated and employed for the family either part time or full time to offer private home education or tutoring for the children. This type of nanny generally doesn’t do domestic tasks or meet physical needs for the children, but instead is strictly employed as a private educator.

Special Needs Nannies:

Nannies that have been trained in the area of special needs are valuable for families that have children that may have been diagnosed with medical conditions that require individualized care and attention.  These could include nannies that work with kids that have physical disorders, as well as those that have sensory impairments, behavioral or emotional disorders, or developmental delays.

If you are looking for a specialized nanny, we can help! Household Staffing has been placing qualified nannies with families of all kinds for two decades. Call us today for information on getting the right nanny placed in your home!

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