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Build Trust with Your Caregiver

Hiring a caregiver to work in your home with a loved one is a very personal decision. While this is a professional relationship, there are also many personal details that your caregiver will learn about you and your family. Therefore, it is very important to establish trust. Doing this will encourage open and honest communication and ensure your loved one is getting the love and compassionate care that they need and deserve. Here are some tips on establishing a trusting relationship with your caregiver.

Remember respect

Respect is a two-way street. As you bond with your caregiver, keep in mind that they may not want to share things about their personal life with you. Be sure not to cross any professional boundaries, so you don’t put your caregiver in a position where they feel obligated to share things that they might find uncomfortable. In the same way, remember to share only information about yourself or the family member that is necessary for your caregiver to do their job well.

Establish a care plan

When you hire your caregiver, establish a clear care plan that has a detailed list of the caregiver’s tasks and responsibilities. If there are misconstrued expectations, this could be stressful and create distrust between you and the caregiver. This type of thing can usually be avoided by coming up with a work agreement that outlines job duties, wage and payment schedule, benefits, and other important must-knows about the job.

Thank them

When your caregiver does a good job, praise them. Caregiving can be a difficult job full of emotions and physical demands. Saying ‘thank you’ goes a long way in making your employee feel appreciated and valued.

Don’t micromanage

Communicating with your caregiver is important. If there are concerns that need to be brought up, do so in a respectful way, but don’t nitpick. This does not help build a strong, trusting relationship, but instead makes them feel micromanaged for the littlest things that may not be important in the whole scheme of things.

Having a dedicated, empathetic caregiver is a special gift. Treat the relationship with care and take time to bond with them. This shows them that they are appreciated and gives them motivation to continue doing their job to the best of their ability.

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