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Transition to Nanny Care

If you have recently had a baby and have spent time at home on maternity leave, you are probably feeling a mix of emotions about going back to work. Transitioning your baby to nanny care will take a bit of planning and forethought. Here are some tips on how to make the shift as easy as possible.

#1: Meet ahead of time.

Once you hire a nanny, have them come to the house a few times before they officially start work. Maybe it means having coffee with them or going on a walk around the city together. Doing this helps introduce the child to the nanny and the nanny will start to get used to the child, their schedule, and unique needs.

#2: Utilize a transition week.

One of the best ways to ease everyone into the nannying experience is to use a ‘transition week.’ This simply means that on the first day, the nanny will only be there for a couple of hours, the next day, a few hours, and so on. Gradually, work your way up during the week to a full day. This allows the nanny and baby to familiarize themselves with each other and you can get used to being away from the baby for increasingly larger portions of time.

#3: Be patient.

Your nanny will work hard to learn and listen to the routines that you have in place for your baby. However, sometimes nap schedules or other routines will change a bit when the nanny starts. It may take some time for the baby to get used to the nanny’s presence all day, and they may digress in their sleep schedules. Be patient, because with time, readjustment can and will happen.

#4: Listen to your body.

Being a parent is a lot of work. It takes a significant amount of emotional and physical energy. And when it comes to heading back to work, you will be exerting more mental energy. Listen to your body if you’re tired and feeling exhausted. Take time to rest. If you are struggling with the emotional part of being away from your child, listen to those feelings and talk through them.  Most of all, take time for yourself – even if it’s just a few minutes here and there during the day. Breathe, go outside for a bit of fresh air, or set aside some time to do an activity or hobby that energizes you.

Transitioning your baby to nanny care will work itself out over time but being intentional from the get-go about making it a success will make things easier. If you are looking for a compassionate, loving nanny to take care of your child, we can help! We have worked for the last two decades placing qualified household employees in homes around the country. Contact us today to get started.

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