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The Importance of Bonding

Welcoming a new baby into your life and home means learning who they are. Your baby is a unique creation that has a one-of-a-kind personality. Learning about who your newest little person is exciting and incredibly special and establishing that bond and attachment with them from the very beginning is key to their development. Here are some ideas on how you can build a lasting bond with your newborn.


Cuddling your newborn, holding them, patting their back, and letting them hold your finger in their hands are great ways to establish a bond. From the very first day that they are born, they are looking for connection. The ‘skin to skin’ concept – rocking or holding your newborn with your skin directly against yours is something that facilitates trust and connection.


Sometimes it is hard to understand why your baby is crying. Maybe they are hungry, maybe they’re tired or uncomfortable. Whatever it is, respond to them in a timely way when they are crying. Look into their face and eyes with facial expressions. This lets them know that they aren’t alone and that you’re there for them, which will ultimately establish trust, and it also will help them make connections between words and facial expressions as they age.


It may feel funny at first to talk to your newborn knowing that they don’t understand what you’re saying. What they will learn, however, is the sound of your voice. Soothing, reassuring speech is important to helping them feel calm and safe. It also helps encourage them with speech and language later down the road.

Showing your newborn that you love them with a smile, soothing words, and a cuddle, makes them feel protected and safe. This is a very important part of building a solid foundation for your baby to develop and grow. It encourages their brain to grow, helps them develop words and sounds, and gives them tools to better communicate as they get older.

Hiring a newborn care specialist or nanny to come alongside you in your new journey as a parent can be incredibly beneficial. Not only will your baby be loved and cared for by you, but they will also have another adult that they can bond with and help nurture them into their childhood years.

Call us today to learn more about hiring a newborn care specialist and we can help place a qualified, experienced person in your home in as little as 10 days!

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