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Employee Work Agreement Basics

Have you recently hired a household employee? Even if this person is just a temporary summer employee, it is important to have all details about the job outlined in writing before they start work. Verbal discussions are a good first step, but a written work agreement is necessary. This ensures that there is no confusion about duties, pay, or other important details related to the person’s employment with you. Here are some key things to keep in mind when it comes to writing your work agreement.

Wages and Benefits

Paid holidays, sick days, vacation days, health insurance details, or other paid time off details should all be defined in a work agreement. Other benefits such as travel, gas or tuition reimbursement should also be covered in this document. In addition, make sure to include the employee’s pay schedule (weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly) and wages here. Don’t forget to obtain proper documentation for your employee too, so you can get them paid legally with proper taxes withheld. Paying them ‘under the table’ is against the law and could put you at risk for hefty fines or fees from the IRS if discovered.

Unique Details

Your family and your home’s safety are your highest priority. So, be sure to list any details that are unique to your family/home that are important for your employee to know about. For example, are there specific alarm codes or passwords that they need to know? Perhaps you need to outline some rules regarding what they can post online or on social media.

Job Responsibilities

Your employee should have a list of duties that is required of them. Outlining them on paper is important, so there is no confusion down the road. If you need to adjust the job duty list over time, make sure to have that discussion with them ahead of time so they are aware. The work agreement is a living document that can be adjusted as needed.

If you have never written a work agreement, don’t worry. Writing one is easier than you think. Our team at Household Staffing will help find the right employee match for you. Once you have found the right person, get your work agreement established and call one of our partner companies to get your employee’s wage and tax paperwork filled out and ready to go. This ensures your employee gets paid on time with proper taxes withheld, so you have no surprises at tax time. Contact us today to get the hiring process started!

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