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Benefits of Personal Bodyguard Protection

When you think about a bodyguard, your mind might conjure up images of high-profile celebrities, politicians, other notable people who need protection. While bodyguards are surely frequently called to serve as protection for these individuals, you don’t have to be famous to benefit from the services of an experienced bodyguard – especially as national and international safety concerns continue to rise.

Your Personal Body Guard

Recently, our team at Household Staffing worked with a client who hired a bodyguard for his daughter, who was attending college in New York. He knew that as she lived in the city, she may be at risk of danger – gang violence, drug activity, robberies or assaults, and more.

Crime is all around and hiring a personal bodyguard is one way to thwart potentially unsafe situations or scenarios. A recent New York Post article discusses how crime is on the rise in the area and why our client’s reasoning for hiring a bodyguard was not extreme.

Here are some additional benefits of hiring a bodyguard for personal protection.

They act as additional eyes and ears.

Bad things can happen in just a blink of eye. That’s why bodyguards are trained to read people around you, pay attention to conversations, and determine what their motivations are. Their goal: to be prepared for any situation. So, they keep an extra eye and ear out for individuals or larger scale scenarios that are out of the ordinary and potentially hazardous, so you can get out of those situations quickly.

They can go ahead of you to assess the safety risk.

Bodyguards often do advance inspections for their clients – checking rooms, buildings, vehicles, or public spaces for potential threats. They can also help identify any weak spots – door locks, open windows, or unattended security systems – and work to strengthen those.

They can prevent crime before it happens.

Bodyguards can help keep you protected when a crime happens, but they can also help prevent it before it occurs. For example, if a criminal sees you approaching with a bodyguard, chances are, they will be less likely to target you. If they know you have security right there – especially if the bodyguard is armed – it can deter crime and keep you safe from the get-go.

Security is For Everyone

Besides celebrities, entertainers, or other well-known politicians in the public eye, who can benefit from personal bodyguard protection?

Business Executives

Whether you’re a chief executive officer of a company, a successful entrepreneur working hard to scale a business, or another business professional, you have a level of leadership and power that others don’t. Your wealth or level of responsibility could open you up for potential safety threats, so if you hold a prominent role at your job, consider hiring a bodyguard to protect yourself.

Single Individuals

Just like the client we recently worked with, single individuals, students, or other people who travel around the city – or the world – solo could benefit greatly from personal protection services. A bodyguard will not just be on the lookout for people to keep you safe, but also serve as a companion and protector wherever you go.

International Travelers

If you plan on traveling to other parts of the world, you could become a target for criminals. As a foreigner, you may be more vulnerable to kidnapping, robbery, or a scam. Hiring a bodyguard to accompany you on your travels can mitigate risks and keep your trips as stress-free as possible.

We Can Help

Do you need enhanced protection in your day-to-day life? Whether you need individual protection or a team of security professionals to care for your family or around your home, we can help. The right security personnel is an important line of defense for you, your business, or your family.

This gives you the peace of mind you need so you can spend less time worrying about your safety and more time doing the things that are most important to you.

Our team is committed to complete client satisfaction and is well-versed in finding experienced individuals in the private security industry.

For more information about hiring security personnel for your personal or professional life, call us today.

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